Fırlanan iş masasının xüsusiyyətləri:
- Əllə yükləmə və boşaltma üçün yükü avtomatik olaraq ideal hündürlükdə saxlayın
- Elektrik enerjisi tələb etmir
- Sabit dizayn, heç bir geriləmə tələb etmir.
- Kiçik baza işləri istənilən mövqedə Sənaye Qayçılı Liftlərə yaxın dayanmağa imkan verir.
- Əlavə masa aparatı ilə forklift olmadan istənilən yerə getmək asandır.
Compare with general lift tables, this QSL1000 series Spring Level Loader and QAL1000 airbag pallet positioner is a rotating lift table which can automatically maintain a load at the ideal height for manual loading and unloading without any electric or any manual operation, this lift table with rotate plate can automatically maintain at the top of the load as the working height to reduce the discomfort of long-term bending just with the spring force of the spring/airbag and the gravity of the cargo.
Video şou:
i-Lift Yox. 1313601 1313604 Model QSL1000 QAL1000 Tutum kq (lir.) 200-2000(440-4400) 100-2000(220-4400) Sıxılmış hündürlük mm (ilə.) 240(9.4) 265(10.4) Genişləndirilmiş hündürlük mm (ilə.) 710(28) 710(28) Dönən üzük, kənar dia. mm (ilə.) 1110(44) 1110(44) Dönən üzük, daxili dia. mm (ilə.) 1035(40.7) 1035(40.7) Əsas Çərçivə uzunluğu mm (ilə.) 1150(45.3) 1150(45.3) Əsas çərçivənin eni mm (ilə.) 930(36.6) 930(36.6) Seçim Masa daşıyıcısını qaldırın
QAL1000 Təfərrüatlar:
It has an air charging port and pressure regulating knob, so you can adjust the height by adjust the air pressure. This can make up for the problem of oil leakage from ordinary Stationary Lift table
QSL1000 Details:
The frame of the Spring Activated Lift Table can handle loads of up to 4400 lbs. In order to adapt the unit for different pallet loads, the springs are changed. The springs are chosen to match the weight and height of a fully loaded pallet. A unit may have one to three springs. Each time the pallet weight or pallet height is changed, the springs may also need to be changed. Instructions will show you how the springs are selected. Each spring is color-coded with paint mark at one end.
Bura müxtəlif ölçülü 3 bulaq daxildir, lazımi tutum və hündürlüyə görə sərbəst qruplaşdıra bilərsiniz. Forklift ilə təchiz edilmiş "cib" müxtəlif iş sahələri arasında nəqliyyat imkanı verir. "Lift stol düzəldici" forkliftin istifadəsi mümkün olmayan sahələr üçün də seçimdir.
Load weight range is 440 lbs. to 4,400 lbs. The Spring Pallet Positioner allows for 360° rotation for easy load access. Fork pockets also come standard for repositioning of theTurntable platform.
arasında nə fərq var Hava yastığı yükləyicisi və ya yaylı qayçı qaldırıcı masa?
- Sabitlik: compared with the Spring Pallet lever loader , the Airbag Level Loader is more stable, not easy to bump, and the shock absorption performance is better.
- Müxtəlif dişli tənzimləmə üsulları: the Spring Pallet scissor Lift table has 3 springs, which can only be combined into different three loads by different combinations of three springs; The Airbag Pallet handing lift table can be adjusted arbitrarily by changing the air pressure.
- Yük diapazonu is different: the minimum load of spring Industrial Scissor Liftsis 440KG, the minimum load of air Skid Carousel Positioner can be less than 100KG, or even smaller.
- Müxtəlif tənzimləmə üsulları: it is convenient to adjust the load of the airbag Pallet leveller. It only needs to deflate and inflate, and it can be completed under the condition of heavy objects on the table, without removing the table. But the spring Pallet Positioner needs to be removed from the table to replace the spring collocation to adjust the load.
- Hava yastığı platforması ilə təchiz olunmalıdır nasos.
It is also a rotating platforma it can realize the operation of each side by rotating the surface of the spring lifters, so the workers can easily complete all loading and unloading works just keep the same posture. Not only improves productivity but also protects workers from long time bending.
As weight is added to the Spring Actuated Level Loader , it causes the springs to compress, lowering the height of the platform. As weight is removed, the springs expand, raising the height of the lift and rotate table . Once properly calibrated for the maximum load weight, the lift will automatically stay at an ergonomic height.